Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Invite nature’s pest controllers into your garden by creating toad and frog friendly homes and habitats.
Learn what are japanese beetles and how to manage them in your lawn and garden from Melinda Myers.
Successful organic gardening and landscaping starts with the soil: If the soil is fertile and healthy, plants will grow more vigorously and suffer from fewer…
Involving kids in caring for your yard and garden offers them many lessons, from where food comes from to responsibility and a life-long appreciation of nature.
Green, easy and attractive tips for turning garden debris and kitchen scraps into compost in any size landscape.
Tend to your landscape in the North to protect plants for a healthy spring and in the South, it’s time for seasonal maintenance and cool-weather annuals.
It’s important to be conscious of the biggest mistakes in tree care before, during, and immediately following planting. Avoid these 5 mistakes with Joe Lamp'l.
Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs. The soil is warm and air is cool making it easier for the plants to adapt to their new location. Learn fall care for…
Learn four things you can do to keep your trees and shrubs healthy and promote longevity.