Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Add color and motion to the winter landscape by creating a bird-friendly environment that provides food, water and shelter.
Removing invasive plants not only helps support natural ecosystems and wildlife it can help reduce disease-carrying tick populations in the landscape.
Adding native plants to your landscape boosts its beauty and pollinator appeal while reducing on-going maintenance. Plus you’ll be helping the environment and…
Routine maintenance will help keep your rain garden looking its best, while helping reduce flooding and pollution of our waterways.
Never do these 5 things and you will have a more beautiful and healthier landscape.
Here are several things to NOT do to keep your lawn healthy this summer: mow with dull blades, in excessive heat or too short, or treat unknown issues incorrectly.
No matter where you live, being a waterwise gardener makes environmental and economic sense. And it’s really easier than you think. Here are just a few of the easy…
It’s sometimes necessary to remove a small patch of grass, renovate a lawn or add a garden. Here are a few natural grass-removal methods to consider.
Don’t let your best garden additions end up in the landfill. Instead, convert yard waste into useful resources to help you grow a beautiful and productive lawn and…