Joe Lamp'l

Creator of Growing a Greener World® and Joe Gardner®

Joe Lamp’l is the Creator, Host, and Executive Producer of Growing a Greener World® and the "Joe" behind®

Join Joe on his blog, ComPost Confidential and Growing a Greener World Facebook page

Joe Lamp’l is one of the country’s most recognized and trusted personalities in gardening and sustainability. His passion for teaching is evident to a nationwide audience who watches Joe in his current role as Creator, Executive Producer Host and of the award-winning PBS series, Growing a Greener World® and previously as host of Fresh from the Garden on DIY Network as well as on-air contributor to The Today Show, Good Morning America and The Weather Channel. Past awards include The American Horticultural Society’s B.Y. Morrison Communication Award, which recognizes effective and inspirational communication—through print, radio, television, podcasts and other online media and Best On-Air Talent for Television by the Garden Writers Association. Joe is also the founder and “Joe” behind – a new website dedicated to all things gardening and horticulture through how-to videos, podcasts, articles and blog posts.

Joe Lamp'l

"I like Milorganite because it offers a natural way to deliver important nutrients to my lawn and garden, without using harsh synthetic chemicals that are potentially dangerous to the environment. Equally important, the process of making Milorganite actually improves the environment and watersheds around Milwaukee. In contrast, the making of synthetic fertilizers utilize a tremendous amount of fossil fuels, something not many people factor into the equation. The bottom line; Milorganite is better for the environment where it's made, and wherever it's used" 

- Joe Lamp'l

Joe's Most Recent Posts

Learn what tools can help make gardening easier with Joe Gardener's favorite gardening tools.
Learn why winter is a great time to work on your garden with Joe Lamp'l for a more bountiful spring and summer.
A healthier lawn comes with healthier soil, and there is no better way to improve soil health than by adding compost.
Successful organic gardening and landscaping starts with the soil: If the soil is fertile and healthy, plants will grow more vigorously and suffer from fewer diseases.
With an organic lawn you will get green healthy grass, but with better, longer-lasting results and none of the negative side effects.
It’s important to be conscious of the biggest mistakes in tree care before, during, and immediately following planting. Avoid these 5 mistakes with Joe Lamp'l.