Milorganite® Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) Policy

Milorganite® strives to ensure that all of our Dealers provide end-users of Milorganite® Fertilizer with the kind of advice, service, knowledge, support, and pricing necessary to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. We contend that certain types of advertising are damaging to our standards and reputation and those of our dealers as well. To preserve our reputation, and that of our dealers, we have instituted, and aggressively maintain a Minimum Advertised Price (“MAP”) policy.
Objectives of MAP Policy:
1. To ensure that all our dealer-product relationships are consistent and value-based.
2. To maintain the proper positioning of Milorganite® in the marketplace.
Milorganite® MAP Policy:
Milorganite® Inc. has established a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy that applies to any advertising of any current Milorganite® branded fertilizer product. The advertised price may not be less than the current MAP as published by Milorganite®. Refer to the MAP policy for the MAP price, MAP violations, and the action taken for MAP policy violators.