
Top 10 lawn maintenance tips every beginner needs to know. Mowing height, soil testing and fertilization are all necessary to grow a healthy lawn.
As your lawn wakes from winter dormancy, nutrient and water demands increase and will need some attention now.
Your plants and lawn need food to survive. Learn why your landscape needs nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
Follow along with Allyn Hane, the Lawn Care Nut, why mowing is great for you and great for your lawn.
What shade of green is your lawn? Homeowners strive for an ideal “green” lawn, but what color is that? Learn the shade of green for typically used grasses.
Follow Allyn Hane’s checklist for preparing your lawnmower for the winter season.
Dormant fertilization, in the North, applied when the weather turns cold, prepares lawns for a healthy spring and early greening.
Fall is the most important time of year for lawn care. Learning fall lawn care essentials will help beginners grow a healthy, lush lawn.
A healthier lawn comes with healthier soil, and there is no better way to improve soil health than by adding compost.
Don’t let lawn weeds get the best of you. These opportunistic plants find a weak spot in the lawn, infiltrate and begin the take over your grass. Take back the lawn with…
Summer lawn care tips for beginners. The most important tasks to maintain a healthy lawn: watering, mowing, weed control, fertilizing in the North and soil testing.
Sometimes a complete lawn renovation is needed, but you're unsure how much you want to spend. Follow these tips from Milorganite's agronomist on renovating your lawn that fits…