Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Discover the many health benefits of soil as you dig in and garden away the blues, improve your health and increase your focus.
Involving kids in caring for your yard and garden offers them many lessons, from where food comes from to responsibility and a life-long appreciation of nature.
Nothing beats the flavor of fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes. Make this your biggest and tastiest tomato harvest yet with proper planting and care.
Go vertical to expand your outdoor gardening space, create privacy and add beauty to bare walls and fences.
Don’t let limited space stop you from creating a garden. Creative ideas and gardening techniques can help you get the most out of your small spaces.
Although you’ll never find anything about Milorganite's deer-repelling properties on their label since that’s not what it’s made to do, gardeners around the country…
Outdoor activities, as permitted, are great stress-relievers, especially for those temporarily isolated. Here are yard/garden activities for both you and your kids…
Adding native plants to your landscape boosts its beauty and pollinator appeal while reducing on-going maintenance. Plus you’ll be helping the environment and…
Never do these 5 things and you will have a more beautiful and healthier landscape.