Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

A beautiful lawn and garden starts with the soil beneath your feet. Create an organically rich well-drained soil foundation and be rewarded with a healthy landscape.
Learn why no-till gardening is the best thing we can do to prepare and maintain an area for planting (and fewer weeds), and the consequences of tilling.
Grow a Smoothie garden filled with all your favorite ingredients and boost the flavor and nutrition of your daily diet.
Use straw bale gardening to add productive garden space and raise your planting bed. With straw bales, you can create a garden in areas with poor soil.
Join the celebration and make a difference on Earth Day, April 22nd, and every day. Learn seven things you can do to help the environment.
Let go of trying to make children perfect gardeners. Instead get them excited about the parts of gardening they love, and help them reap the many benefits.
Learn when is the best time of the year to prune your trees and shrubs, pruning benefits, and tips for successful pruning.
As winter wanes and before the all clear date for frost-free weather is some of the best prep time of the year for any garden or landscape.
Learn how to make simple dishes made from garden fresh vegetables filled with edibles that your guests can harvest and enjoy with their meal or favorite beverage.