Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

A raised bed garden elevated above the surrounding terrain allows you to control its health and drainage. Learn the pros and cons of different materials to build…
Lawns can be stressed during extended periods of rainless weather. Letting lawns go dormant—brown—may be the best solution. Lawn diseases can also be problematic.
Don’t let limited space stop you from creating a garden. Creative ideas and gardening techniques can help you get the most out of your small spaces.
Although you’ll never find anything about Milorganite's deer-repelling properties on their label since that’s not what it’s made to do, gardeners around the country…
Never do these 5 things and you will have a more beautiful and healthier landscape.
Here are several things to NOT do to keep your lawn healthy this summer: mow with dull blades, in excessive heat or too short, or treat unknown issues incorrectly.
No matter where you live, being a waterwise gardener makes environmental and economic sense. And it’s really easier than you think. Here are just a few of the easy…
Increase container garden success with a few simple changes and help from maintenance saving devices.
Don’t let your best garden additions end up in the landfill. Instead, convert yard waste into useful resources to help you grow a beautiful and productive lawn and…