Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Elevate your garden for convenience and easy access. You’ll enjoy the added planting space and ease of planting, weeding and harvesting at waist level.
Don’t let a lack of time, space or energy prevent you from growing and enjoying a few or bushels full of homegrown vegetables.
With a bit of planning and creativity, you can find ways to increase the enjoyment and harvest in any size garden.
Build a raised bed garden with Hugelkultur. Convert logs, branches and other garden debris into nutrient rich soil ready to plant this spring.
Learn five simple steps to a fabulous garden this season.
Palms require a well-balanced, slow-release fertilizer four times during the growing season for consistent nutrients, especially in nutrient-poor sandy soils.
Learn what late additions to your vegetable garden will yield tasty results this fall.
Learn why no-till gardening is the best thing we can do to prepare and maintain an area for planting (and fewer weeds), and the consequences of tilling.
Grow a Smoothie garden filled with all your favorite ingredients and boost the flavor and nutrition of your daily diet.