Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Don’t pack away that shovel and trowel. Fall is a great time to plant a few new additions in the landscape.
Adding native plants to your landscape boosts its beauty and pollinator appeal while reducing on-going maintenance. Plus you’ll be helping the environment and…
Never do these 5 things and you will have a more beautiful and healthier landscape.
We expect so much from our plants all through the seasons, without always taking time to consider the demands placed on the soil - the foundation for top plant…
Increase container garden success with a few simple changes and help from maintenance saving devices.
Don’t let your best garden additions end up in the landfill. Instead, convert yard waste into useful resources to help you grow a beautiful and productive lawn and…
While you can’t predict the weather, you can take certain proactive steps to help make your landscape more resilient to these unusual conditions. Joe Lamp’l shares…
Learn how to turn your fallen leaves into a nutritious mulch for your garden and landscape.
Fall is a great time to move trees and shrubs whether they outgrew their location or your landscape design.