Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Elevate your mood, reduce your stress and improve air quality by growing a few plants indoors.
Don’t give up on those shady spots in your landscape. Learn how to create a garden in the shade with attractive options to beautify these challenging locations.
Raised beds are versatile in shape and structure, and they provide the ideal starting point for gardening success and bountiful crops.
Don’t let a lack of time, space or energy prevent you from growing and enjoying a few or bushels full of homegrown vegetables.
Grow a Smoothie garden filled with all your favorite ingredients and boost the flavor and nutrition of your daily diet.
Use straw bale gardening to add productive garden space and raise your planting bed. With straw bales, you can create a garden in areas with poor soil.
Learn how to make simple dishes made from garden fresh vegetables filled with edibles that your guests can harvest and enjoy with their meal or favorite beverage.