Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Pruning hydrangeas is easier than you think. Understanding how they grow and when they flower will guide you to success.
Fertilize with Milorganite for a healthy, green lawn. How much to use, how to apply it and when for a healthy yard and garden.
Select the right spreader for your yard—drop or broadcast. And learn how to calibrate any spreader for best fertilizing results in just six easy steps!
Your plants and lawn need food to survive. Learn why your landscape needs nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
Dormant fertilization, in the North, applied when the weather turns cold, prepares lawns for a healthy spring and early greening.
Fall is the most important time of year for lawn care. Learning fall lawn care essentials will help beginners grow a healthy, lush lawn.
Learn how to overseed your cool-season lawn and use Milorganite as a starter fertilizer with Allyn Hane, The Lawn Care Nut.
Learn how to flex your Milorganite by spoon feeding your lawn with Allyn Hane, the Lawn Care Nut.
A healthier lawn comes with healthier soil, and there is no better way to improve soil health than by adding compost.