Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Successful organic gardening and landscaping starts with the soil: If the soil is fertile and healthy, plants will grow more vigorously and suffer from fewer…
Designing your vegetable garden can be challenging. Here are some tips and strategies to help you design a vegetable garden layout that works best for you and the…
Involving kids in caring for your yard and garden offers them many lessons, from where food comes from to responsibility and a life-long appreciation of nature.
Nothing beats the flavor of fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes. Make this your biggest and tastiest tomato harvest yet with proper planting and care.
Go vertical to expand your outdoor gardening space, create privacy and add beauty to bare walls and fences.
Don’t give up if your hydrangeas fail to bloom, droop or have holes in the leaves. Tackle these problems and increase your success by selecting the right hydrangea…
Green, easy and attractive tips for turning garden debris and kitchen scraps into compost in any size landscape.
Tend to your landscape in the North to protect plants for a healthy spring and in the South, it’s time for seasonal maintenance and cool-weather annuals.
Cacti and succulents are great low maintenance plants for busy, experienced, and those new to indoor gardening.