Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Whether it’s extreme summer heat and drought, harsh winter weather or pests that caused the damage, you may be faced with a lawn in need of rejuvenation or major…
Learn how to work in concert with nature to prevent and control pests and you will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest and landscape filled with beautiful blooms.
Too much or not enough water and never when you need it. That seems to be the long time plight of gardeners. Learn tips to be a water-wise gardener.
You know Iron and Nitrogen are good for your lawn, but what about Phosphorous? Listen to Allyn Hane the Lawn Care Nut as he goes over the effects of Phosphorous,…
Maximize the color and beauty in your gardens and minimize maintenance with proper selection and care of flowers.
Here are just a few ways to maximize your budget in your garden and landscape.
You can have a beautiful lawn and be kind to the environment in five easy steps.
Proper summer care can help lawns and gardens survive heat and drought stress wile a few new additions can boost your landscape’s beauty.
Put away the tiller and build healthy soil to grow productive gardens using compost or mulch with no-dig gardening.