Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Follow these 3 easy steps to speed up your compost pile from Joe Lamp'l.
Lawns develop lumps, bumps, and depressions over time from settling, soil type, equipment, pests, and people. Identify the problem first for a long-term fix.
Don’t let lawn weeds get the best of you. These opportunistic plants find a weak spot in the lawn, infiltrate and begin the take over your grass. Take back the lawn…
Invite nature’s pest controllers into your garden by creating toad and frog friendly homes and habitats.
With an organic lawn you will get green healthy grass, but with better, longer-lasting results and none of the negative side effects.
Green, easy and attractive tips for turning garden debris and kitchen scraps into compost in any size landscape.
August is National Water Quality Month and a good time for residents to take a fresh look at how they impact water quality and can help keep waterways clean.
Permeable paved walks and drives can add beauty to your landscape and increase property value while helping to reduce stormwater runoff and water pollution.
Reduce flooding, water pollution and runoff by keeping water where it falls by implementing some stormwater friendly strategies. They can also help reduce…