Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Increase container garden success with a few simple changes and help from maintenance saving devices.
Don’t let your best garden additions end up in the landfill. Instead, convert yard waste into useful resources to help you grow a beautiful and productive lawn and…
Tips for selection and care of the right hydrangea for your growing conditions, landscape design and personal taste for a year of low maintenance beauty.
You can have your grass and be kind to the environment too. It’s just a matter of changing your lawn care practices.
Create beautiful rain gardens to attract pollinators and birds to your landscape while protecting your local waterways.
There are many benefits to adding fruits, vegetables and herbs to your landscape. Whether it is the cost of groceries these days, the economy or just the desire to…
A quick review of this past summer growing season can help you improve your lawn, garden and landscape’s beauty and productivity next year.
Fall is a great time to move trees and shrubs whether they outgrew their location or your landscape design.
Don’t let a busy schedule stop you from creating a beautiful landscape. Incorporate a few of these changes in your fall landscape care.