Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs. The soil is warm and air is cool making it easier for the plants to adapt to their new location. Learn fall care for…
Learn four things you can do to keep your trees and shrubs healthy and promote longevity.
Follow these fall lawn recovery tips and Win FREE Lawn Coaching from “The Lawn Care Nut, Allyn Hane” by submitting your Milorganite Lawn Story on our website!
August is National Water Quality Month and a good time for residents to take a fresh look at how they impact water quality and can help keep waterways clean.
Aeration is essential to a healthy lawn, but is often neglected. Cores of soil are removed to loosen the soil and allow water, air and nutrients to reach the roots.
Create a pollinator garden for unusual pollinators and enjoy the beauty of the garden and many benefits these members of our community provide.
Many lawn diseases thrive in summer’s heat. Customers report dollar spot and brown patch and want for advice managing them. Proper fertilization and watering help.
Established lawns need about 1” of water per week, as either rainfall or irrigation. Learn when it’s time, how much and the best time of day to water your lawn.
A raised bed garden elevated above the surrounding terrain allows you to control its health and drainage. Learn the pros and cons of different materials to build…